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Cone Drive Speed Reducers

We stock Cone Drive units and parts. We offer immediate shipping and low prices. We can change ratios and mounting to fit your needs.

Cone Drive Speed Reducer

Cone Drive Reducers | Hollow Bore

QTY Model Size HP Ratio Input Shaft  Output Bore
1 SHO 40 26.7 5 1.5 2.25
1 SHO 50 7.5 50 1.5 3.438
1 SHO 770 13 60 1.875 3.938
1 SHU 25 1.27 40 0.75 1.688
1 SHU 7400 6.8 30 1.5 2.938
3 SHU 7500 9.34 40 1.5 3.188
8 SHV 30 11.3 5 1 1.5
1 SHV 30 1.44 50 1 1.438
1 SHV 50 7.5 50 1.5 3.438
1 SHV 50 7.5 50 1.5 3.438
1 SHV 60 21 20 1.75 3.438
1 SHV 60 17.4 30 1.75 3.938
1 SHV 60 13.1 40 1.75 3.938
1 SHV 60 7.9 40 1.75 2.875
2 SHV 70 37.9 20 1.875 4.438
1 SHV 80 12.15 30 2 3.938
2 SHV 7600 7.55 70 1.75 2.938
1 SHV 47000 20.4 10 1.5 1.938
2 SHV 35 20 4 1 2.188
10 SHV 35 13.4 10 1.5 2.188
1 SHV 60 25 5 1.75 3.438
1 SHV  40 10.1 20 1.5 2.938

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